Welcome to the Thomas W. Keating Bioresearch Building
If your offices and labs are located here, or you are affiliated in some other way with the BIO5 Institute or the labs/units located in this exceptional facility, this website is for you. You’ll find information about BIO5’s Research Services, including the BIO5 Media Facility, glassware services, dry ice delivery, lab coat laundry service, and pipette tip box recycling. The basics are here too: building access, room reservations, golf cart reservations, and BIO5 business office contacts.
A few facts about the facility
Size: 177,000 square feet
Occupants: 35 laboratories with nearly 400 researchers (faculty, research staff, and students) from many UA departments within multiple colleges.
Architects: Zimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership
Contractor: Gilbane Inc.
Funding for the facility came primarily through Arizona House Bill 2529 and from a private philanthropic gift from Thomas W. Keating.
The Keating building is the only facility on the UA campus whose occupants recycle pipette tips. Other recycling programs include water harvesting of the condensate from the cooling systems.
How the Keating building contributes to BIO5’s mission
The many challenges we face today are very difficult. No single scientist can do it alone. It takes collaborative teams to, for example, develop targeted cancer drugs, understand Alzheimer’s disease, prevent and cure asthma and diabetes, develop more resistant crops, and create more nutritious food. Better medicine, health, food, and technology are the result of scientists from a variety of disciplines working together and inspiring one another to think in new ways. The BIO5 Institute fosters individual creativity in some of the best researchers at the UA. The institute, along with the flexible design of the Keating building, then takes it a step further by facilitating collaboration and teamwork among this exceptional group of scientists.